Uniform Tab
The CCA Uniform Program is designed to be affordable, easily and consistently enforced, and provide parents with convenience as they purchase uniforms. Our uniforms represent a consistent style, modest dress, and similar appearance among our students. CCA’s uniform provider is French Toast and uniforms may be conveniently purchased at frenchtoast.com by searching for Chestertown Christian Academy using the school code QS4UKH. Uniform options are broken down by gender and grade level.
Helpful Uniform Reminders:
• All shirts, sweaters, and fleeces are to be embroidered.
• Because body shapes are different for all students, pants may be purchased from another supplier as long as they meet the modesty and color expectation.
• Pants are to be a traditional fit; no skinny, cropped, or legging/jegging style pants are allowed.
• Girl’s jumpers/skirts and shorts must reach the knee when standing and sitting. All pants should touch the laces or top of shoes.
• Once a uniform is embroidered, French Toast does not allow it to be returned.
• Uniforms previously purchased that were approved CCA dress code items in the past are still permitted. (ex: blue plaid pattern on girls skirts and jumpers)
• Uniforms are expected to be clean, tidy, and correctly fitting.
• With the exception of approved CCA spirit wear, all coats, jackets, and sweatshirts are not permitted to be worn in the classroom during the school day.
(Include Updated Dress Code Chart Please)

Click the button below to be taken to the uniform website, frenchtoast.com.